2017 Landscape Strategies Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
This project visualizes a new understanding of cities that reconceptualizes the relationship between global migration patterns and transportation infrastructure.
This self-initiated project visualizes my own planetary movement on commercial flights through the course of my life. The logistics of airline transportation positions the city within the larger mesh of connectivity to the global network, with place now being defined by abstract relationships with some other points in the larger geo-network context, or what Manuela Castells terms, “space of flows.” [1] HUBBING + SPOKING situates itself within existing models of mobility and migration, exemplifying what Clare Lyster refers to as continental urbanism, with urbanity bursting at its seams to extend beyond oceans and regions so that the city “is not just nowhere and anywhere, it’s everywhere.” [2] This project was presented to the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in August 2017.